Llistar Títols per Autor "Garcia Rodriguez, Santiago"

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doc icon DUGiDocs 1 octubre 2018 A 3D tomographic investigation to elucidate the low-velocity impact resistance, tolerance and damage sequence of thin non-crimp fabric laminates: effect of ply-thickness García Rodríguez, Santiago ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep ; Bardera i Reig, Antoni ; Singery, Vicky ; Trias Mansilla, Daniel
media icon DUGiMedia 31 maig 2023 Progressive failure analysis of filled hole and bearing composite laminate bolted joints Garcia Rodriguez, Santiago
doc icon DUGiDocs 31 maig 2023 Progressive failure analysis of filled hole and bearing composite laminate bolted joints García Rodríguez, Santiago ; Herman, Mélanie ; Leon-Dufour, J.L. ; Kaminski, M. ; Ruiz Cózar, I. ; Laurin, Frederic ; Turon Travesa, Albert ; Fagiano, C.
doc icon DUGiDocs 28 juny 2019 X-ray tomography investigation of the impact damage mechanisms of thin-ply composites and the use of veils to improve their impact tolerance García Rodríguez, Santiago

